Saturday, July 19, 2014

Saturday, July 19th

Defiance, Ohio to Home Sweet Home

81-miles with gently rolling hills and a tail wind.

After six days of wonderful riding weather we woke up to a light rain, which lasted for the first 15 miles of our ride. At about mile marker 20 we came to the small town of Paulding, Ohio and was wanting a snack. What would we find other than another bakery, we are definitely hooked.

It was also a great feeling at mile marker 35 to see the Indiana state line.

Thanks to an early start and a tail wind we were able to pull into town just after 2:30pm. Total miles for the trip was 470-miles in 7 days, for a daily average of 67.

It was a wonderful week of riding. Plenty of good food, and got to sample several new beers.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday, July 18th

Fremont, Ohio to Defiance, Ohio

83-miles, yes 83 MILES!! But the wind was mostly at our back and the rolling hills didn't start until about mile market 60. Still it was time to get off the bike when we got to the hotel, and yes we walked to dinner.

When going thru Gibsonburg we came across that familiar smell of a bakery and just had to follow our nose. I think I am hooked.

Stopped in Grand Rapids, Ohio for lunch and met Markivo who was also touring. He is from Germany and has been touring since May 2011, and has logged over 37,000 miles. It was enjoyable talking with him, safe travels my friend.

Only one day left and it has been enjoyable, but looking forward to getting home tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 16th

Wallaceburg, Ontario to Pelee Island, Ontario.

64-miles, on flat terrain with a tail wind and little from the side.

MAN DOWN!! Chris tried to move over for a passing car and got his front wheel of the pavement. I was pretty concerned, but he was pretty luckywith just a small scrape on the knee and s bent fender that we were able to straighten pretty easily.

We rode into Leamington at 1:30pm for a6:00pm ferry ride to the island. Looked around the area for a few them found a local drinking establishment. After about 3-beers the fellow we had been talking to decided it was time to leave, so he gave the bartender $30 and told her our drinks were on him till the money is gone.

Ferry made the island at 7:30pm and we had a 3-miles ride to our room and dinner.

Canadian people have been very friendly and they definitely know how to fry fish.

Thursday, July 17th

Leamington, Ontario to Fremont, Ohio

64-miles, on flat terrain and mostly a tailwind

Up early and since there was no place for breakfast started touring the island. Started with the lighthouse, which included at least a 1/4 miles hike each way. The view was very impressive and one of the highlights of the island. Next up was breakfast at the local bakery, can't remember the last time I had something from a bakery, but I had a coconut pastry that words cannot give justice.

Next up was the local winery, sorry dear I didn't buy anything. The wines were pretty good and the ground even better. Finished our time on the island with lunch at a local diner that served an amazing wrap.

Ferry left Pelee Island at 1:00pm, but we managed to get 20-miles on the island before departure.

Got back in the US soil at 3:00 pm and had 62-miles to make our destination. With about 20-miles to go we called the campground to find out they did not have showers. So we opted to stop in Fremont and cut our day little short.

Leaving Clyde we picked up a rail trail into Fremont. This was the best rail trail I have ever rode on. If you are in the area it is something to check out.

We made the hotel about 7:30pm, picked up a 6-pack  ordered a pizza, then called it a day.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday, July 15th

Wadsham, Michigan to Wallaceburg, Ontario.

40-miles not much for hills, but the wind definitely made its presence known.

Rain during the night again  getting good at putting things away wet. Rode about 25-miles, then crossed over to Canada.

The roads in Canada have a nice shoulder and thus far have been lightly traveled. Which is a very nice change from Michigan where we spent the last day and a half riding on state roads with little to no shoulder and heavy traffic with realy big trucks. Did a lot of white knuckle riding.

So far we have tried a couple of Canadian micro brews: Richards (Chris had the red and I had the white) and Descendants, Reynard the Fox which we both thought was a very good beer.

Don't have to worry about rain tonight, this is our first night in a hotel and the soft bed is going to be amazing.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday, July 14th

Otter Lake, Michigan to Wadhams, Michigan

Who would have guessed, it rained again last night. Chris is not liking to tear down camp when everything is wet, I kind of agree with him. But we got everything put away and on the road by 7:30 am.

Little longer day today, we ride 65-miles. Considerably more climbing, but nothing extremely difficult. I was able to stay in my middle chain ring, but one hill definitely challenged that.

Stopped for breakfast in North Branch and stopped at the hardware store across the street. Nick Hancock would have been in heaven, the store was over 140-years old and is the oldest hardware store in Michigan.

We ride about 20-miles tomorrow and cross into Canada. Will only be able to update the blog if we have Wi-Fi.

PS - Woke up early this morning because both hamstrings decided to cramp at the same time. I was amazed that the tent walls were able to contain me, but also a little concerned that Chris didn't hear me. I figured it sounded like I was being attacked by some sort of wild animal, but he managed to sleep thru the entire ordeal.

Sunday, July 13th

Bay City, Michigan to Otter Lake, Michigan.

Rained just about all night, but managed to stop about the time we decided to crawl out of the sleeping bag. Had camp tore down and on the road about 7:30am.

Rode about 56-miles, wind was brisk, but mostly at our side with some tail. Terrain was mostly flat with just a couple small climbs towards the end.

Couldn't find a spot for breakfast, so rode all the way to Frankenmuth and had a late breakfast. The Bratwurst was amazing.

At our camp in Otter Lake we meet a mother and daughter doing a cross country ride. They left California June 4th and was going to ride thru Canada back to their home in New Hampshire.

Pictures to come, I am technology challenged and the cell is taking really crappypictures.

PS - Happy Birthday Brooks!!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday, July 12

Camping at Bay City SRA tonight. Looking like we will get wet sometime before morning.

Thanks to Brooks and Barb Fetters for the transportation. Hoping they have a save and enjoyable trip back to Huntington.

Friday, July 11, 2014

July 11

Our trip stats tomorrow, with a travel day to the starting location in Bay City, Michigan. The bike is ready and everything is packed, just hoping the engine is where it needs to be.

Hoping for a week of sun, clear weather,  and a tail wind.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Itinerary Change

Itinerary has changed. The Ferry crossing has been a little more of a challenge than originally thought. We have opted to spend the night on Pelee Island, it looks like a wonderful place to spend a little time waiting on the ferry.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Dates are set

We will be starting our journey from Bay City, Michigan on Sunday July 13th. Will post our itinerary in the next couple of days.