Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday, July 15th

Wadsham, Michigan to Wallaceburg, Ontario.

40-miles not much for hills, but the wind definitely made its presence known.

Rain during the night again  getting good at putting things away wet. Rode about 25-miles, then crossed over to Canada.

The roads in Canada have a nice shoulder and thus far have been lightly traveled. Which is a very nice change from Michigan where we spent the last day and a half riding on state roads with little to no shoulder and heavy traffic with realy big trucks. Did a lot of white knuckle riding.

So far we have tried a couple of Canadian micro brews: Richards (Chris had the red and I had the white) and Descendants, Reynard the Fox which we both thought was a very good beer.

Don't have to worry about rain tonight, this is our first night in a hotel and the soft bed is going to be amazing.

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